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Privacy Policy Statement/Information

This information on the processing of Personal Data (hereinafter “Information”) is made in accordance with the provisions contained in articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 relative to the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data as well as the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “GDPR”).

  1. Personal Data. The personal data of the client (hereinafter “Client”) which will be collected are the following: first name, last name, landline or mobile phone number, email address, address of residence (or domicile if different from residence) for billing and marketing activities;

The Client is responsible for the completeness and truthfulness of Personal data and shall, therefore, hold the Controller exempt from any liability towards third parties.

  1. Controller and Responsible parties in the processing of Personal Data

The Controller of personal data processing provided by the Client is Ramitours srl (hereinafter “Controller) with an address in 36063 Marostica Via Montello No. 104.

The Company Altrarete Srl located in Largo Parolini No. 54 36061, which provides the management service of this internet site, services connected, instrumental and supportive to that carried out by the Controller has been appointed the Responsible Personal Data person as well as processing it.

For any communication to be sent to the Controller, please contact us via email at the following email address: or by regular mail to our office.

  1. Objective of data processing.

In compliance with the obligations provided by the current legislation, the Controller collects Personal Data and performs the processing of the same for the following purposes:

a) implementation of the Client’s contract for permanence provided by the Owner (hereinafter “Service”);

b) fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations connected to the execution of the contract, including payment operations and related fiscal obligations;

c) fulfill any statutory, accounting and tax obligations such as the obligations of adequate clientele verification and communication of Clients’ information in accordance with the provisions concerning safety regulations, (hereinafter referred to as “Compliance”);

d) marketing activities, e.g. newsletter and advertising also online.

  1. Nature of the assignment.

Personal Data collected under this processing are strictly functional to the aforementioned purposes. For objectives a) and b), Service and Billing, the provision of Data is always elective, but failure to provide it will prevent the implementation of the contract and the supplying of the consultancy service.

For the purposes of Compliance referred to in letter c) hereinbefore, the legal basis for the collection of Personal Data is the necessary fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject to.

For the purposes referred to in letter d) hereinbefore, the consent is optional.

Notice has been given that if the Client’s age is below 16, the processing is permissible only if, and to the extent that such consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility.

  1. Method of the processing.

The processing shall be carried out both with manual and/or computerized and/or telematic instruments, with a logic of organization and elaboration strictly related to the objectives themselves and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data itself in accordance with the organizational, physical and logical measures provided for by the regulations in force.

The processing shall be implemented according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, in order to safeguard at all times the privacy and the rights of the interested party in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

The Controller declares and guarantees that Personal Data provided by the Client shall be treated with the strictest confidentiality and protection, also ensuring that the appropriate security measures of a technical and organizational nature, shall be adopted to prevent the access, dissemination, accidental or improper alteration and the unauthorized loss or destruction of Personal Data.

  1. Length of data retaining.

Personal Data shall be retained in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on the subject, for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the attainment of the purposes for which they were processed.

For the purposes of Service and related fulfilment, Personal Data shall be stored by the Controller for the entire duration of the contractual relationship.

  1. Transfer of Data to third parties.

The Controller declares that Personal Data may be transferred to third parties, which the Controller uses in the performance of the purposes of processing and specifically:

  • Subjects who typically act as managers of the processing and the aforementioned company that handles the realization of this Internet site, as well as legal advisers in order to obtain a possible credit recovery and that, without prejudice to the provision of the law, shall process the data in compliance with this information.

  • Subjects, bodies or authorities to which it is mandatory to communicate the Personal Data by virtue of the service provided by the Controller (e.g. operators of credit information services) or, by legal provisions, orders of the authorities with respect to the purpose of compliance (e.g. Banks, Insurance Companies, CONSAP- National Insurance General Agent– Tax Registry, Judicial Authorities and Police force).

The Controller does not transfer Personal Data outside the European Economic Area.

Rights of the Client

The Client has the right to:

– request confirmation that a processing of Personal Data is in progress and, if so, to obtain access to it (right of access);

– request the correction of the inaccurate Personal Data, or the integration of the incomplete Data (right to rectification);

– request the deletion of Personal Data in the cases provided for in the Regulation (right to erasure);

– to request the limitation of the processing in the cases provided for in the Regulation (right to limitation);

– to receive in a structured, portable and common format, readable by an automatic device the Personal Data and to communicate such data to another Controller (right to portability);

– to revoke the consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time, without compromising the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation (right to revoke the consent);

– to oppose, at any time, the processing for marketing purposes (right of opposition);

– to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority if he/she considers that the processing violates the GDPR (right of complaint).

(all together hereinafter referred to as “Rights”)

For the exercise of the Rights, the Client may submit an expressed written request to be sent to the following email address:

Information about cookies

Our Website makes use, in some cases, of cookies. Their prevalent application is related to technical reasons and the operation of the system.

The information collected by cookies is not intended to personally identify the user, but it may be used in an aggregated form for marketing activities and the analysis of the website usage.

What are cookies

Cookies are small pieces of text sent by a server to a web client (a cookie file is stored in your web browser by the website visited by the end user).
Generally, they are utilized to remember preferences, data and navigation information of visitors on that particular website, but usually do not contain personal data.

Use of cookies

Most Internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but it is possible to modify the browser’s settings to delete cookies or prevent their automatic acceptance.
The site user is allowed to refuse the use of cookies, although by refusing their use may limit the ability of providing personal services. In this case, some site features may not work properly and some of the services may not be available at all. To delete cookies, or modify the way your browser handles cookies, please refer to the browser manual.

Below, for your own convenience, please find a list of links for the cookies settings of the main browsers that are the most commonly used.

Please note that, by disabling cookies in your own browser, these settings may be applied to all websites and not just ours.

Type of cookies

There are two types of cookies:
First-party cookies that are subject and readable only by the domain which created them.
Third-party cookies, which are subject and created by external domains to the ones we are visiting.
These cookies can be:

  • Session (or temporary) cookies: web browsers normally delete these cookies when the user closes the browser;

  • Persistent cookies: they remain stored as files even after closing the browser and they expire after a specific length of time.

Cookies and

The site uses various cookies, of different types, for multiple purposes and objectives:

  • First-party and session cookies, for technical purposes and the operation of the system (e.g. during authentication, authorization and surfing of services accessed through a registration).

  • Third-party cookies, for web statistics (implemented on the basis of aggregated and anonymous data) to view the interactive map and manage the reservations. Specifically, the reservation utilizes a third-party cookie to the Stripe online payment platform.

  • Third-party cookies, for marketing activities.

Information on third-parties cookies

Google Analytics

The site includes also some components communicated by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). This service too uses third-party cookies, collected and analyzed anonymously to monitor and improve the performance of the host site (performance cookies).
Google Analytics uses cookies to collect and anonymously analyze information about the usage habits of the site (including the user’s IP address). This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it for the purpose of compiling reports on the activities on the website. Our site does not use, and does not allow third-parties to use, Google’s analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information. For further information, please refer to the following link:

Users can selectively disable the Google Analytics action by installing the opt-out component on their own browser. To disable this Google Analytics action, please refer to the following link:

Any changes to this policy will be published in this section and shall enter into operation at the time of publication. The continued use of the website constitutes acceptance of such changes.

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Dichiaro di aver ricevuto e letto e compreso l'informativa rilasciata da Ramitours srl. ai sensi degli articoli 13 e 14 del Regolamento UE 2016/679. Rilascio il mio consenso libero, esplicito ed inequivocabile, al suddetto trattamento dei Dati Personali per le finalità:


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Dichiaro di aver ricevuto e letto e compreso l'informativa rilasciata da Ramitours srl. ai sensi degli articoli 13 e 14 del Regolamento UE 2016/679. Rilascio il mio consenso libero, esplicito ed inequivocabile, al suddetto trattamento dei Dati Personali per le finalità: